

Monitor power state changes.

Process: Main


The powerMonitor module emits the following events:

Event: ‘suspend’

Emitted when the system is suspending.

Event: ‘resume’

Emitted when system is resuming.

Event: ‘on-ac’ macOS Windows

Emitted when the system changes to AC power.

Event: ‘on-battery’ macOS Windows

Emitted when system changes to battery power.

Event: ‘shutdown’ Linux macOS

Emitted when the system is about to reboot or shut down. If the event handler invokes e.preventDefault(), Electron will attempt to delay system shutdown in order for the app to exit cleanly. If e.preventDefault() is called, the app should exit as soon as possible by calling something like app.quit().

Event: ‘lock-screen’ macOS Windows

Emitted when the system is about to lock the screen.

Event: ‘unlock-screen’ macOS Windows

Emitted as soon as the systems screen is unlocked.

Event: ‘user-did-become-active’ macOS

Emitted when a login session is activated. See documentation for more information.

Event: ‘user-did-resign-active’ macOS

Emitted when a login session is deactivated. See documentation for more information.


The powerMonitor module has the following methods:


Returns string - The system’s current state. Can be active, idle, locked or unknown.

Calculate the system idle state. idleThreshold is the amount of time (in seconds) before considered idle. locked is available on supported systems only.


Returns Integer - Idle time in seconds

Calculate system idle time in seconds.


Returns boolean - Whether the system is on battery power.

To monitor for changes in this property, use the on-battery and on-ac events.



A boolean property. True if the system is on battery power.

See powerMonitor.isOnBatteryPower().