
Class: ServiceWorkers

Query and receive events from a sessions active service workers.

Process: Main
This class is not exported from the 'electron' module. It is only available as a return value of other methods in the Electron API.

Instances of the ServiceWorkers class are accessed by using serviceWorkers property of a Session.

For example:

const { session } = require('electron')

// Get all service workers.

// Handle logs and get service worker info
session.defaultSession.serviceWorkers.on('console-message', (event, messageDetails) => {
    'Got service worker message',

Instance Events

The following events are available on instances of ServiceWorkers:

Event: ‘console-message’


Emitted when a service worker logs something to the console.

Event: ‘registration-completed’


Emitted when a service worker has been registered. Can occur after a call to navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js') successfully resolves or when a Chrome extension is loaded.

Instance Methods

The following methods are available on instances of ServiceWorkers:


Returns Record<number, ServiceWorkerInfo> - A ServiceWorkerInfo object where the keys are the service worker version ID and the values are the information about that service worker.


Returns ServiceWorkerInfo - Information about this service worker

If the service worker does not exist or is not running this method will throw an exception.